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“Fire and Ice” by Eve Sheehan, Glass, $300

Exhibit extended to January 30th!

Spirit has existed since the beginning of time, transcending all barriers and uniting everything. Manifesting itself in many ways, Spirit has commonly been defined as the force within a person or non-material essence that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power. Spirit is everywhere. Enjoy this exhibition of local artists’ expression of spirit!

This exhibit is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays from 12-4 PM (closed for the holidays December 25, 26th and Jan 1,2 ). You can also visit the gallery during the intermission of our auditorium concerts.


“Gaia 21” by Gretchen Butler, Fabric wrap doll and stone, $100

Join us for the artists’ reception on Saturday, November 27th from 2-4 PM.


“The Witch of Atlas” by Aaron Shook, Oil & Enamel, $555

Artists in this exhibit:

Jenny Helbraun Abramson

Robin Allison

Beth Anderson

K. Albert Bellucci

Ariana Bloom

Gretchen Butler

Sharon Cahn

Vesta Copestakes

Nancy Kees Dunn

Lorelei Everhart

Patrick Fanning

Jemma Foster

Saroj Heron

Fred Jacobs

Judith Kinsey

Gail Mardfin

Diane Masura

Su McMurtry

Emilie Munsch

Chris Norberg

Tarah Nutter

Lesley Pickford

Phil Salyer

Eve Sheehan

Aaron Shook

Tim Stires

Rakshika Thakor

October 9

Chris Cheek: Transient Paintings, Sight Poems & Other Works

February 5

Black History Month Exhibit