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"Figure First" Figure Drawing Exhibit

Don’t miss our annual Figure Drawing Exhibit!

BEST OF SHOW: May Day by Deborah Cushman

Local artists share their impressive creations in a variety of media, artists from OCA’s Figure Drawing Groups participating. People’s Choice Awards were presented during the artist reception on Feb. 17th.

Merit Award: Lynn Zachreson, Quince Nude II

Merit Award: Gerald Dixon, Girl with Dangling Earrings

Artists in this year’s exhibit include:

Eddie Blake, David Brown, Deborah Cushman, Sierra Downey, Gerald Dixon, Patrick Fanning, Gail Foulkes, Patricia Fritz, Nick Gripp, John Hershey, Saroj Heron, John James, Mikkel Lawrence, Barbara Lawson, Pam MacLean, Janean Morris, Stanley Mouse, Christopher Newhard, Andy Rangel, Phil Sayler, Diane Senia, Kirk Terehoff, Jillian Tyrrell, J Joel B ValBrown, Jillian Tyrrell, J Joel B ValBrown, Pamela Wallace, Rik Wizard, Lynn Zachreson 

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