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"A Place In The Woods" All Media Exhibit

Thirty Sonoma County artists presented works in a variety of media based on the theme “A Place In The Woods” for this exhibition. Gallery visitors were asked to vote in our People’s Choice Awards program to select the best in 2D and 3D submissions.

“Forest Bathing” by Carol Swanson, Clay and Wood, $250Best in Show (3D) - People’s Choice Award

“Forest Bathing” by Carol Swanson, Clay and Wood, $250

Best in Show (3D) - People’s Choice Award

“Lone Oak” by Patrick Fanning, Watercolor, $900Best in Show (2D) - People’s Choice Award

“Lone Oak” by Patrick Fanning, Watercolor, $900

Best in Show (2D) - People’s Choice Award


Nearly 200 gallery visitors participated in this exhibit’s People’s Choice Awards selection process to determine the winners shown above! Be sure to submit your vote next time you visit one of our themed exhibits in our gallery! Scroll down to see more amazing artwork from this exhibit.

“Inner Landscape” by Elaine Greenwood, Acrylic on Canvas, $525

“Inner Landscape” by Elaine Greenwood, Acrylic on Canvas, $525

“Morning Walk” by Darcy Reinier, Watercolor, $150

“Morning Walk” by Darcy Reinier, Watercolor, $150

Iva Hladis

Fred Jacobs

Judith Kinsey

Su McMurtry

Emilie Munsch

Annie Murphy Springer

Chris Norberg

Elizabeth Peyton

Lesley Pickford

Oak Reinier

Eve Sheehan

Carol Swanson

Ken Van Cleave

Artists in this exhibit:

Susan Amalia

Ken Bellucci

Gretchen Butler

Sharon Cahn

Christopher Cheek

Andrea Cleall

Vesta Copestakes

Ceylon Crow

Suzanne Deveuve

Roger Dixon

Linda Dunnivant

Debbie Ebling

Patrick Fanning

Elaine Greenwood

Jenny Helbraun Abramson

Carroll Hirsch

June 5

Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Exhibit (Invitational)

October 9

Chris Cheek: Transient Paintings, Sight Poems & Other Works