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A Body of Work

PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD - “Thinking” by Barbara Lawson - mixed media

MERIT AWARD: “The Nap” by Pamela Maclean - charcoal

MERIT AWARD: “Oak Dance - Dryad Pas de Trois” by Christopher Newhard - Oil on Canvas, 60” x 48”

MERIT AWARD: “Oak Dance - Dryad Pas de Trois” by Christopher Newhard - Oil on Canvas, 60” x 48”


OCA Gallery presents “A Body of Work”, an exhibition of figure drawings. The gallery is open to the public Saturdays and Sundays from Noon to 4pm, and during OCA live music events.

Ever since the world began, there’s been a brown eyed handsome man, and someone has been drawing him.

Among the most ancient surviving examples of art there are representations of the human form, figure drawing, in the caves of Lascaux in Southern France, dating from 8000 – 7000 BCE.  

More recently, figure drawing, painting and sculpture are a tradition throughout the history of art, and an important, challenging, and rewarding part of art education.  

The members of the drawing groups at OCA continue in that tradition, capturing and interpreting the human figure in various and fascinating ways.  Come see what these artists have been up to at our annual Figure Drawing exhibit, “A Body of Work.”

January 12

Get Up, Stand Up: Black History Month Exhibit

April 5

Four Elements All Media Exhibit